Google Search Competitive Analysis Template

You can see how you rate versus your competition by looking at their search results and comparing the data to yours. We created a template so you can do it yourself.

Steps for Analyzing Your Search Results Versus Competition:

1. Choose 5 keywords or phrases that people would use/”Google” to find your category/business

2. Type each word or phrase into a Google search bar

3. Record the number of results, the top paid (Ad) results, the top Map results (if applicable) and the top organic results

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see ‘Searches Related to keyword’ and decide if any of these keywords/phrases are relevant

5. Review all results to determine if you and/or your competition are in the Top 3 results.

6. If you don’t find your company or key competitor(s), you can scroll further down and note the position in the “insights” column

7. There are many steps you can take to increase your ranking. One step is to ensure that your website pages (both the text and the meta tags) include content that relates to the keywords and phrases.


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