Hero’s Story Outline Overview

What is it?

  • It's the story of how you guide your ideal target through challenges to success
  • It focuses on the ideal target being the hero and you being the guide
  • You can use this outline in sales emails, your website, social media, etc. 

Hero's Story Outline

  • Your Ideal Target:
  • Has a Problem:
  • Meets a Guide (Promise): 
  • Has a Plan (Secret Sauce):
  • And Clear Steps:
  • End in Success:
  • Avoids Failure:
  • Transforms (from-to):

Hero's Story Outline Example

  • Ideal Client: CEO/Owner of a mid-market privately-held business
  • Has a Problem: Doesn't have a marketing leader and doesn't want one full-time, but needs the marketing expertise
  • Meets a Guide: CMO-OnLoan
  • Has a Plan: Build confidence that your organization's marketing will fuel growth
  • And Clear Steps: We build a customized strategic marketing playbook, begin implementing it and transition out once your team is ready
  • Avoids Failure: Waste time and money on marketing decisions; confidence in your marketing team, leading indicators show that marketing is growing your business
  • Transforms (from-to): From Unsure, Unfocused, Frustrated to Confident, Informed, Empowered

Hero's Story Example

CEOs of mid-market companies need the firepower of a senior marketing leader, but they aren’t ready for that level of expertise on a full-time basis. In the absence of a marketing leader, they get bombarded with sales calls and buzzwords, are concerned that their current marketing isn’t delivering results and are unsure about what would deliver results.

These business leaders shouldn’t have to compromise marketing results. With CMO-OnLoan, they don’t have to. CMO-OnLoan delivers CMO level expertise on a fractional basis.

Our consultants combine decades of marketing expertise with simple practices and a disciplined style that takes the burden off you. We work with your team to build a customized strategic marketing playbook that increases marketing effectiveness and builds confidence in making marketing decisions. We work side-by-side with you and your team, infusing marketing knowledge and useful frameworks at every opportunity. Once the fundamentals are set and your team is ready to lead, we transition out.

Stop feeling frustrated, and instead feel confident in your marketing, your marketing resources and your marketing team.

Call Amy Connor for a free discovery conversation to see if our approach meets your needs.

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