Essential Steps to Creating a Simple Marketing Plan

Looking for actionable strategies to propel your business forward in today's competitive landscape? The key lies in crafting a simple yet effective marketing plan. We've outlined the essential steps to develop a marketing plan that not only meets your business needs, but also sets you apart from competition. 

Essential Steps

To elevate your business and stand out from the competition, create a simple marketing plan by following these 4 steps:

  1. Focus on a Few
  2. Create a Unique Story
  3. Develop a Simple Plan
  4. Do a Little, Learn a Lot

1. Focus on a Few (Ideal Target)

Within the category, these are the people or companies who have similar needs and are likely to be interested in buying from you.

  1. Think of customers who are in your “sweet spot” and you love to work with.
  2. Why are they in your “sweet spot?"
  3. Are they profitable?
  4. What size are they?
  5. What products/services do they need?
  6. What market or markets are they in?
  7. What do they care about?
  8. What are their frustrations?

2. Create a Unique Story

Crafting your narrative acknowledges customer frustrations, articulates how you resolve them, and distinguishes your offering from competitors.

  1. Address Their Frustration 
  2. Say How You Help Solve the Frustration 
  3. Say How You are Different than Competition

3. Develop a Simple Plan

Define your business goals 

  1. How many customers do you have right now? How many more do you want? 
  2. What part of the funnel do you need to enhance?
    1. Build Awareness (New/small/niche brand that prospects don’t know about)
    2. Increase Interest (Need more leads and engagement)
    3. Gain Commitment (Need stronger ecommerce, in-store conversion, sales closes)
    4. Build Relationships (Customer turnover, limited repeat business or cross purchases)

Brainstorm tactics to reach your Ideal Target 

  1. How do you reach them now?
  2. Who do they trust?
  3. Where are they talking and listening?
  4. What can you do well?

Prioritize a few tactics based on the business goals and by funnel stage

  1. Ask for each phase: What tactics are most likely to work based on your Ideal Target and the places they go for information based on where they are in the process?

4. Do a Little, Learn a Lot

Create an Action Plan 

  1. Use an Excel template
  2. Add all of the activities being completed by all people involved
  3. Activities should be specific enough to be able to “check the box” when finished
  4. Sort the activities by date
  5. Meet (weekly) with the team involved to check status, address issues and add activities based on the plans

Track a few Metrics/KPIs

Continually Analyze Results Enhance Your Plan

Answer these questions to analyze the data and enhance the plans 

  1. What is above or below the average?
  2. What is causing the result? (look at more detailed data sources if needed)
  3. What ideas do you have to enhance the results in the next period?


Implementing a simple and straightforward marketing plan is crucial for driving your business forward in a competitive market. By following the essential steps we've outlined, you'll be well-equipped to meet your business needs and stand out from the competition. 

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