- The Marketing Plan Overview and Priorities, Tactics & KPIs are foundations of the Marketing Plan Building Block
- They are critical for delivering business results and marketing return on investment (ROI) or payout
- Marketing Plan Overview – description and visual that provides the background and overall marketing focus by funnel stage.
- Priorities, Tactics & KPIs – specifics on what marketing will do by funnel stage and how you will measure results
Marketing Plan Overview
- Description and visual that provides the background and overall marketing focus by funnel stage
- Business inputs and insights that are guiding the marketing plan
- 3-5 inputs and insights from Discovery, Brand Strategy and Communication Strategy Building Blocks
- Marketing Effort by Funnel Stage
- Description – bullets with which funnel stages we will focus marketing efforts and why
- Visual – a chart to show which funnel stages we will focus on
- Note – all funnel stages need some focus
Marketing Plan Overview – Example
- Business inputs and insights that are guiding the marketing plan
- Business goal is steady growth, managing current team capacity
- Largest source of business is from relationships (current clients or COI referrals)
- Most clients aren’t active on social channels, attend some smaller events
- Marketing Focus by Funnel Stage
- Priority 1. Build Relationships. Stay proactively engaged with current and past clients
- Priority 2. Increase Interest. Build our reputation and stay top-of-mind with our COI’s
- Priority 3. Gain Commitment. Implement our business development process.
- Priority 4. Build Awareness. Simple, low investment channels
Priorities, Tactics & KPIs
- Specifics on what marketing will do by funnel stage and how you will measure results
- Components:
- Priorities – the funnel stage priority (1, 2, 3, 4) and brief description of what you are focusing on from the Marketing Plan Overview
- Tactics – 3-5 activities that support the priority – refer to the Channel Strategy
- KPI’s – metrics that measure effectiveness of the tactics – refer to the Channel Strategy