Marketing Plan

The third building block in The Strategic Marketing Playbook is the Marketing Plan. It's a roadmap for delivering results, including tools to track and analyze marketing effectiveness. Learn more below!

Marketing Plan Deliverables

  1. Business Inputs 
    • Business priorities, initiatives, assumptions, source of business analysis, desired outcomes and metrics
  2. Priorities & KPIs  
    • How marketing will deliver the business goals by moving people through the funnel and key metrics that help measure effectiveness of the priority activities
  3. Annual Calendar 
    • Visual representation of what you will communicate across all channels over time
  4. Budget 
    • Estimated costs to deliver the marketing plan, broken out by month and type of expense
  5. KPI Tracker & Dashboard 
    • Tracks & displays marketing KPIs in a visual way to give a new real-time view into how your marketing efforts are performing
  6. Marketing Research & Insights Plan 
    • Plan to gain the required information and insight about the market, upcoming trends, customers, stakeholders, employees, etc.

Click Here For The Strategic Marketing Playbook Overview

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