Internal Roles & Responsibilities

Why should you think through and document Internal Roles and Responsibilities? Beside helping the current team be more clear on what they are supposed to be doing, the process we created will provide you clarity on what shifts and/or changes you might need to set your marketing team up for success. For our discussion, A “Role” is a position on the team and “Responsibilities” are the tasks or activities assigned to the Role.

You can keep reading or check out the video to get started on your team’s Internal Roles and Responsibilities.

Steps to Create Internal Roles & Responsibilities

  1. Review the Resource Plan Overview Inputs
  2. Review the Team Structure Inputs
  3. Define Responsibilities for each Internal Role
  4. Write Job Descriptions for each Internal Role

1. Review the Resource Plan Overview Inputs

The Resource Plan Overview is an assessment and overview that you use for creating the Team Structure, Internal Roles & Responsibilities, and External Resource Scope. Read about the Resource Plan Overview here.

2. Review the Team Structure Inputs

The Team Structure describes how you will resource marketing, including the relationships between activities, leadership, and team members, both internally and externally. Read about Team Structure here.

3. Define Responsibilities for each Internal Role

Outline the responsibilities for each internal role. This can be done in a simple chart, like below.

4. Write Job Descriptions for each Internal Role

Create a job description by adding the following to each internal role:

  • Title
  • Company/Role Description
  • Responsibilities (duties)
  • Qualifications (skills)
  • Education & Training
  • Salary
For more information on how to create a Resource Plan, including the tools to get started, check out our Resource Plan Overview.

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