We created a process to help you define your brand’s personality using Jennifer Aaker’s “Dimensions of Brand Personality.” Check out the overview and steps below:
What is a Brand Personality?
How your brand looks, sounds and feels, as if the brand was a person.
- Makes the brand more human and unique
- Best ones are instantly recognizable and relatable
How It Helps
- Differentiates you versus competitors
- Human characteristics build brand awareness
- Human relatedness increases brand loyalty
How It’s Used
- Inspiration and guidelines for anyone who creates messages, visuals, videos, experiences, etc. for the brand
- Helps the brand stay consistent
Brand Personality Framework
There are 5 Dimensions with Several Personality Attributes for Each Dimension
- Sincerity
- Excitement
- Competence
- Sophistication
- Ruggedness
How to Define Your Brand’s Personality
- Choose one primary dimension – choose a secondary if needed
- Select attributes from the dimensions ~4 characteristics and behaviors
- Write a statement with the attributes
- Once the personality is defined, brands choose “markers” that can become tied to the brand
- Look – logo, colors, fonts, photography, etc.
- Sound- voice, music, etc.
- Scent – aroma
- Touch & feel – shape, design
- Actions – movements, behaviors